Emmett Till Interpretive Center – US Civil Rights Trail

Emmett Till Interpretive Center

The courthouse where Till’s murder trial took place has been preserved as a museum and interpretive center, with the mission of telling the story of the tragedy and pointing a way toward racial healing. Using a combination of storytelling and art, the center remembers Till while painting a harmonious vision for the future. Visitors can book tours of the Tallahatchie County Courthouse and the interpretive center for $5. The center also hosts multiple initiatives in Till’s memory, including the Emmett Till Seed Project and the Day of Forgiveness.

Site Information

Address: 120 North Court Street, Sumner, MS, United States

Hours: Tuesday - Saturday: 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM

Attraction Info: Quick Stop, Guided Tours

Online Resources: http://www.emmett-till.org/

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