Robert "Bob" Hicks House – US Civil Rights Trail

Robert “Bob” Hicks House

From 1965-1969, the Robert “Bob” Hicks House served in several capacities in the struggle for civil rights in Bogalusa. The Hicks House was a hub for civil rights work. It was open 24/7 for members of the community to call and/or come in to discuss and share information regarding civil rights. The Bogalusa Civic and Voters League and the Bogalusa chapter of the Deacons for Defense and Justice regularly held meetings at the house. The breakfast room was the communications center for the Deacons. The dining room was the local headquarters for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), and CORE field directors, civil rights workers and national conducted day-to-day operations and official business there. The living room was an unofficial office for civil rights attorneys who pioneered groundbreaking lawsuits that set precedents nationwide in education, housing and employment.

It was a safe haven and shelter for civil rights workers, but also for locals and as such it became known as the “Civil Rights House,” the Civil Rights Headquarters” and a “Safe-Haven House.”

The Hicks House was a medical triage emergency station for protesters and civil rights workers injured during picketing, marches or attacks. Some were treated there while others were taken out of town for medical attention.

Robert Bob Hicks House

Site Information

Phone: (504) 237-4656

Address: 924 Robert "Bob" Hicks Street, Bogalusa, LA, United States

Hours: Please call to schedule a tour

Online Resources:

Site Managed by Luckie
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