About Martin Luther King Jr. – US Civil Rights Trail
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    Martin Luther King Jr.

    Walk the ground Dr. King walked in his hometown of Atlanta at the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park, which attracts 1 million visitors each year. You can visit the home where he was born and see where he played as a child, as well as hear his voice in the church where his message of nonviolence worked as a catalyst for change and racial equality.

    Begin your journey through Dr. King’s life at his birth home at 501 Auburn Avenue. Tour the home and see where Dr. King spent the first 12 years of his life.

    Ebenezer Baptist Church played a central role in the Civil Rights Movement, both as a place where community members could gather and organize, as well as a sanctuary of hope during times of struggle, out of which strong leaders emerged.

    This church was part of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference and was the spiritual home of Dr. King. His grandfather and father pastored there, and as a young co-pastor Dr. King continued preaching his father’s philosophy of nonviolence. Today, you can listen to Dr. King’s sermons in his own voice.

    Pay your respects to Dr. King at his final resting place at The King Center, established by his wife, Coretta Scott King. Here you can view exhibits on the Kings as well as Mahatma Gandhi, whose peaceful approach to civil disobedience inspired Dr. King’s own.

    Bordering the Peace Plaza near the Visitor Center is the Martin Luther King Jr. World Peace Rose Garden, one of five major World Peace Rose Gardens established around the world. Soak in the beauty and vibrant color of 185 rose bushes and reflect on Dr. King’s message of peace through nonviolence.



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